Charlie Reitz

Sophomore - Defense

  1. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Ice Cream

  2. What is a fun fact about yourself? I’m colorblind

  3. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Being able to read minds 

  4. What is your favorite weather season?  Fall

  5. What makes you laugh the most? When my sisters are being weird

  6. Who’s your dream dinner party guest (alive or dead)?  Taylor Swift

  7. What is your biggest pet peeve?  Slow Walkers

  8. What was your favorite childhood song? Our Song by Taylor Swift

  9. What is your best lacrosse memory? Last year’s game against Southington when we won the CCC.

  10. What is your message to a youth lacrosse player that is reading this?  A good way to tell if you’re working hard enough is to look and see how many bruises you and your teammates have.